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I Tesori Coloniali - Via Toschi 40/A - 42121 Reggio Emilia - Italia - - Tel. +39 0522 440330 - P.IVA 02094950355 - Cod. Fisc.: FRRRRT69C29H223Z - R.E.A. n° 250769


I Tesori Coloniali

Our shop borns the 20 may 2000 as a proposal of new fornitur/Decor, especially for those customers who want to do of their home not only the centre of their life, but also a warm and comfortable corner of rest/relax.
Soon, it becomes a point of reference for all that love charm of distant cultures, natural materials and the magic of the handcrafted wood.
We are always careful about the evolution of the different stiles and trends, during these years we have enriched ours proposals with new modern lines of furniture and new materials so to offer various solutions for the home, at 360 degrees.
Ours proposals/suggestions are addressed to those who intend to transform their home in the mirror of their own philosophy of life.
Elegance, warm and personality are the are the qualities that mark our creations, without neglecting the colours that, with subtle nuances or strong contrasts, transform a "simple decor" in "your personal decor".
Advice and free quotes, costant formal research, customized creations about measures and colours, warranty and after-sale service are ours services.
In our shop you are always welcome!

                                                                                          Ferrarini Roberto